Compounding Pharmacy

Our compounding laboratory at Manly Village Pharmacy is the only onsite compounding lab on the Bayside. As a Professional Compounding Chemists of Australia (PCCA) lab, our team takes great pride in preparing the highest quality compounded medications. Our compounding staff have undergone extensive training to help you solve challenging medication needs.

Home Medicines Reviews (HMRs)

Home medicines review is a free health service that can be performed regularly with a referral from your GP. This involves a home visit by our accredited HMR pharmacist who will assess your medications and any concerns you may have about your health. This assessment is utilised by your doctor and your pharmacist together to ensure you achieve the best treatment possible.

Baby Clinic

Every Thursday, our pharmacy hosts a baby clinic run by our amazing midwife, Maree free of charge for all your baby care needs and guidance with a range of products suitable for your baby. Maree’s expertise and warm personality are in high demand, so we highly recommend booking a spot ASAP to secure your time with her.

Vaccination Services

We are committed to improving the health of our bayside community by participating in the National Immunisation Program Vaccinations in Pharmacy NIPVIP Program which allows us to administer vaccines in our pharmacy without a prescription. To make an appointment or see what vaccinations can be provided please click here.

First Aid and Wound Care

Our pharmacy stocks a wide range of dressings and first aid products to ensure every wound is treated appropriately. We can also assist in preparing first aid kits for your boat, club or home. Come in and speak to one of our friendly staff who can advise you on optimal first and aid wound care.

Diabetes Services

As a sub-agent for the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) we provide subsidised services for eligible diabetics. We also have a variety of machines, strips, needles and disposal aids for purchase. A Diabetes Medscheck consultation allows you to have a private one-on-one discussion with our pharmacist, and will provide you with better understanding of your medications and the condition. 100% funded by Medicare.

Sleep Apnoea

Sleep apnoea is a condition where breathing stops for 10 seconds or more while you sleep. There are many types of sleep apnoea including obstructive and central. Obstructive sleep apnoea can be treated by our trained consultants using a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine.


Many hospital admissions are medication-related, of which 50% could be avoided by better medication management. At Manly Village Pharmacy, we invite you to have a private sit-down consultation with our pharmacist to discuss your health and medications. This Medscheck service is free and 100% funded by Medicare. Speak to one of our staff members today to discuss your eligibility for this consultation.

Practitioner Only Medicine

Our staff are committed to continued education to keep up to the date with the latest research and developments in nutritional and natural medicine. We keep a variety of high quality practitioner only ranges that can naturally help you optimise your health. Ask our trained staff about whether natural therapies are right for you.

Blood Pressure Checks

We conduct blood pressure checks as well as lifestyle tips and advice on how to improve your health. We also have blood pressure machines for purchase if you are considering implementing blood pressure checks into your routine.

Dose Administration Aids

We can help you manage your medications with medication packs (Medico packs, Webster-Paks). Medication packs are a safe and simple way to ensure you or your loved ones are taking their medication correctly giving you peace of mind.

Health and Beauty

Our Natio stand has a wide range of Australian owned natural products. We also stock many skincare brands including MooGoo, Eco Tan, La Roche, Avene, Jojoba, and Weleda.